HC Deb 24 May 1916 vol 82 c2118W

asked the Secretary to the War Office what graduated pension is granted per week to soldiers and sailors of different ranks who have lost either an arm or a leg during the present War; for what length of time such pensions are granted; and if he is aware that cases have occurred where such pensions are irregularly paid and not paid in full?


Under the recommendation of the Select Committee of this House, a soldier who has lost an arm or a leg gets a pension varying from 10s. 6d. to 25s. a week, which is assessed upon his earning capacity, but in no case less than 10s. 6d. a week. Such pensions are liable to reassessment from time to time as earning capacity changes. If the hon. Member will communicate to me particulars of any cases in which he has reason to think there is irregularity, I will have inquiry made.