HC Deb 15 March 1916 vol 80 cc2097-8W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, when a merchant is notified that goods for which he has paid are required for the public service and will be taken by the War Office, and delay takes place on the part of the War Office in paying him the purchase price therefor, the merchant is entitled to the War Office in paying him the purchase price from the date of the requisition until the date of payment; whether the basis of the price fixed is the price the merchant paid for the goods or the market price therefor at the date of the requisition; and whether, in fixing the purchase price, the merchant is allowed anything for buying and establishment expenses?


I understand the question to refer to goods requisitioned under the Army Act. Payment in such cases should be made within a reasonable time, and if there is in any case unreasonable delay on the part of the War Office, I should be prepared to consider a payment in respect of interest. The basis of price in such cases is that laid down by the Army Act.