HC Deb 07 March 1916 vol 80 cc1390-3W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can see his way to publish a brief and succinct Report of the various Colonies which have been taken from Germany by the efforts of the Allies throughout the War, showing the area, white and coloured population, chief towns and populations, the estimated expenditure of Germany on each Colony, estimated resources, number of prisoners taken, the quantity of munitions, number of guns, war material, or valuable stores seized, and any other particulars which might be of general interest?


I am sorry that I cannot give the military particulars asked for in the question, but the following details as to the conquered German Colonies have been compiled from the most recent German statistical sources and checked by the information given in the "Statesman's Year Book":

South-West Africa:
Estimated area—322,450 square miles.
Estimated population— (a) White 14,830
(12,292 Germans.)
(b) Native 83,204
Principal towns—
Windhuk, population (a)White 2,871
(b) Native 11,098
population (a) White 1,616
(b) Native 3,260
population (a) White 1,463
(b) Native 2,076
Karibib, population (a) White 1,170
(b) Native 5,598
population (a) White 1,155
(b) Native 5,910
Revenue (estimated) for 1914—23,500,000 marks (=£1,175,000).
Expenditure (estimated) for 1914—40,340,000 marks (=£2,017,000).
Imports, 1913—Value, 43,400,000 marks.
Exports, 1913—Value, 70,300.000 marks.
Estimated area—300,000 square miles.
Estimated population— (a) White 1,871
(b) Native 2,649,000
Principal towns—
Buea No details as to population.
Rio del Rey
Revenue (estimated) for 1914—11,310,000 marks (=£565,500).
Expenditure (estimated) for 1914—17,260,000 marks (=£863,000).
Imports, 1913—Value, 34,600,000 marks.
Exports, 1913—Value, 29,100,000 marks.
Estimated area—33,700 square miles.
Estimated population— (a) White 368
(b) Native 1,032,000
Principal town—
Lome, population (a) White 186
(b) Coloured 133
(c) Native 7,078
Revenue (estimated) for 1914—3,500,000 marks (=£175,000).
Expenditure (estimated) for 1914—4,180,000 marks (=£209,000).
Imports 1913—Value, 10,600,000 marks.
Exports, 1913—Value, 9,100,000 marks.
Estimated area—Savai, 660 square miles.
Uolu, 340 square miles.
Estimated population—
(a) White 557
(b) Natives, coloured 33,554
(c) Others, coloured 511
(d) Of mixed race 1,025
(e) Chinese and Melanese 2,452
Chief town—Apia, on Upolu.
Revenue (estimated) for 1914—1,190,000 marks (=£595,000).
Expenditure (estimated) for 1914—1,380,000 marks (=£690,000).
Imports, 1913—Value 5,700,000 marks.
Exports, 1913—Value 5,300,000 marks.
Kaiser Wilhelmsland and Pacific Islands:
Estimated area—70,000 square miles.
Estimated population—
(a) White (264 Germans) 283
(b) Native 531,000
Principal port—Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.
Bismarck Archipelago:
Comprising, besides smaller Islands,
Neu Pommern (formerly New Britain).
Neu Mecklenburg (formerly New Ireland).
Neu Hannover.
Admiralty Islands.
Bougainville (the most North-Western of the Solomon Isles).
Estimated area—22,640 square miles.
Estimated population—
(a)White (482 Germans) 685
(b) Native 188,000
Chief towns—
Rabaul both in Neu Pommern
Caroline Islands.
Pelew Islands.
Marianne (or Ladrone) Islands, and
Marshall Islands.
Estimated area—1,000 square miles.
Estimated population—
(a) White—East Caroline and Marshall Islands (154 Germans) 264
West Caroline, Pelew and Ladrone Islands (105 Germans) 195
(b) Native—Caroline, Pelew and Ladrone Islands 55,000
Marshall Islands 15,000
Total 70,459
chief towns—
Ponapé (Eastern Carolines)—Population about 2,000.
Yap (Western Carolines)—Population about 7,155.
Jaluit (Marshall Islands), on the island of that name.
Revenue for all the above, 2,100,000 marks (=£105,000).
Expenditure for all the above, 3,830,000 marks (=£191,500).
Kaiser Wilhelmsland and
Bismarck Archipelago 5,872,000 marks
Caroline and Marshall Islands 3,335,000 marks
Total 9,207,000 marks
Kaiser Wilhelmslandand Bismarck Archipelago 5,041,000 marks
Caroline and Marshall Islands 7,046,000 marks
Total 12,087,000 marks
Estimated area—200 square miles.
Estimated population—
(a) White (4,256 Germans) 4,470
(b) Natives 187,000
(c) Coloured 3,000
Principal town—Tsingtau.
Revenue (estimated) for 1914—8,060,000 marks.
Expenditure (estimated) for 1914—18,410,000 marks.
Imports, 1912—Value, 121,254,000 marks.
Exports, 1912—Value, 79,640,000 marks.