HC Deb 17 July 1916 vol 84 c679W

asked the Attorney-General when the present practice of trying British-born subjects by court-martial in cameraand executing decisions so reached was introduced; whether before those trials or before the executions the legality of that procedure and the law, if any, on which it was supposed to be based were ascertained, and the fiat of any Civil Court, judge, or law officer obtained; how many British-born subjects have been executed and how many are now undergoing penal servitude in pursuance of sentences of courts-martial held in camera; and, seeing that this procedure is not warranted by any law, but only by a Regulation which has never been judicially reviewed, and that its victims are now powerless to have it so reviewed, whether he will take immediate steps to get a decision of a competent Civil Court on the legality or illegality of holding field general courts-martial in camera, in order that Parliament may deal with the matter this Session?


I am afraid that I can add nothing to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member on the 10th July.

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