Sir J.HARMOOD-BANNERasked the Minister of Munitions, whether, in taking steps to arrange for canteens on the dock estate at Liverpool, the same assistance and encouragement is given to the British Workmen Public House Company, Limited, who already have numerous premises on the docks, as is given to the Young Men's Christian Association; and whether he is aware that the objects and purpose of both concerns are the same, but that whereas the Young Men's Christian Association canteen is under exceptional, facilities, the British Workmen Public House Company, Limited, pay rents, city and poor rates, and have been doing good work for many years past?
§ Mr. LLOYD GEORGEThe canteens in course of establishment on the dock estate at Liverpool are not being provided from funds supplied directly or indirectly by the Government. I am not aware of any special privileges enjoyed by the Young Men's Christian Association in connection with the management of these canteens, and the matter does not appear to be one in which I can properly interfere. I am informed that the canteens recently opened by the Dock Authority have been remarkably successful, and constitute an unqualified benefit to dock workers.