HC Deb 14 December 1916 vol 88 c926W

asked the Secretary of State for India, if he has received a copy of a petition of Behari Lal, late postal sorter of the Royal Mail Service, who in June, 1908, was dismissed from the postal service on suspicion of having tampered with a postal packet, although he had been charged before the sessions judge at Ajmere, who considered the man innocent of the crime and discharged him; and if inquiry will be made into this case with a view of removing the injustice to which this man appears to have been subjected by the action of the postal authorities'?


Memorials, unless received regularly through the Government of India, are not considered by the Secretary of State. If received irregularly, they are returned to the writers. Petitions from three different Behari Lals have been so received and returned to the writers during the last eighteen months. It is not known if one of the three was from the postal sorter referred to.