HC Deb 23 August 1916 vol 85 cc2681-2W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether, in view of the statement made on 11th March, 1915, that no soldier would be placed under asylum administration, he can give the reason why money is being paid by the War Office to asylum authorities in respect of the care and treatment of uncertifiable nerve-shaken soldiers?


I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave on the 21st March last to the hon. Member for Roxburghshire.


asked the Secretary to the Local Government Board whether employment will be found for the inmates of convalescent homes and colonies for nerve-shaken uncertifiable soldiers after their discharge from the Army; and will he take steps to safeguard these, men from undue anxiety or avoidable depression or suspicion associated with taint of lunacy?


One of the functions of the local committees is to endeavour to assist discharged disabled soldiers to find employment, and the matter is receiving the earnest consideration of the Statutory Committee. The Committee are most anxious to safeguard nerve-shaken uncertifiable soldiers from any avoidable depression or suspicion associated with taint of lunacy.