HC Deb 16 August 1916 vol 85 c1877W

asked the President of the Local Government Board who is the responsible authority for the issue of the Regulations and instructions of procedure to the Appeals Tribunal; if he is aware that a ease at the Hampstead Tribunal has been allowed to stand over for decision to see if the case can be met by a grant to the applicant for that section of his business which the wife cannot manage; and if he will instruct the tribunal that payment of Income Tax is a matter of national importance?


The Regulations are made by Order in Council. I am not aware of the case in question. I consider that tribunals should deal with cases as promptly as possible, and, as regards claims made on the Civil Liabilities Committee, should not postpone cases for the decision of the Committee, but should always proceed on the assumption that the Committee will give reasonable assistance in respect of the particular liabilities with which they deal.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he has received a letter from Mr. W. H. Thompson, solicitor, Longton, making allegations of local persecution and of the unfairness of the inquiries made by the president, and asking for a full inquiry into his case; whether any further inquiries have been made; and whether he has received any other complaints with reference to the conduct of the Stoke tribunals or their clerk?


I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave him on the 2nd instant. I have nothing further to add. I have replied to some other questions with reference to one or other of the tribunals referred to.