HC Deb 10 August 1916 vol 85 c1256W

asked the Home Secretary if, with a view of safeguarding our home petrol supply, he will consult with the naval and military authorities and ascertain whether their reserve and other stores of petrol are stored in such a manner as to be reasonably safe from air-raid dangers; and, if he finds that these naval and military stores, especially on the North, North-East, and Eastern coasts, are more carelessly stored than the petrol permitted to be stored by the civilian population, whether he will come to an arrangement with the naval and military authorities whereby the police shall be able to enforce such safety regulations in the public interest with regard to the storage of petrol as may seem expedient?


My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has asked me to answer this question. The Army Council fully recognise that it is one which concerns the civil population as well as the military and naval forces. The system of distribution of petrol required for Army purposes at home aims at reducing to a minimum the quantity of spirit stored at any one place in the North, North-East, and Eastern coasts. The Army Council have no information that the prescribed regulations for safety are relaxed anywhere on these coasts, but if my hon. Friend has reason to believe it is otherwise, and will impart to me in confidence his information, the matter will of course be inquired into carefully.

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