HC Deb 03 August 1916 vol 85 cc520-1W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that since November, 1914, repeated representations have been made both to the Local Government Board and to the military authorities by the local sanitary authorities and the East Riding County Council as to the nuisance caused by the sewage from the military camp at Rowlston, in the East Riding of Yorkshire; that an assurance was given to the Local Government Board by the Army Council in March, 19J6, that steps would be taken to remove any further cause for complaint; that notwithstanding this serious cause for complaint does exist; that there is still a nuisance which is a serious menace to the health of the inhabitants of the district; that one end of the field in which the camp is situated adjoins the seashore, and that engineers who have inspected the site have advised that the sewage could, without serious expense, be discharged into the sea; and whether he will give instructions for the necessary steps to be taken to abate the nuisance and for the work to be carried out forthwith?


The sanitary engineering officer to the War Of ice has already arranged to visit the locality and to report upon the alleged nuisance, and I hope to receive a full report in the course of a few days. This matter was brought to notice some six months ago, but on inquiry it was found that at that time the arrangements made were satisfactory.