HC Deb 29 September 1915 vol 74 c840W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, recognising the importance of increasing to the fullest degree possible the tillage area in Ireland so as to ensure an adequte supply of food in the future as well as to help in counteracting the steadily growing adverse trade conditions, and in view of the recommendations of the Departmental Committee in Ireland on war production, he is prepared to give effect without delay to such recommendations, by providing sufficient financial inducements and guarantees as will enable the Irish farmers to till more of their lands; and whether he will specially consider the advisability of taking immediate steps to have the thousands of acres of arable land now in possession of the Congested Districts Board, and lying idle, allocated to small farmers so that they may be put under crops next season?


The Departmental Committee to which the hon. Member refers made their recommendation that the Government should guarantee a minimum price in the case of wheat and oats contingent on a decision which the Government have not considered it necessary to take, and the prices of agricultural produce now ruling and likely to rule will, it is believed, lead the farmers in Ireland, as elsewhere, to increase the general agricultural output without reference to bonuses or guarantees from Government sources. The proposal to allot to small farmers the grazing lands now in possession of the Congested Districts Board is not practicable until these lands can be distributed for that relief of congestion for which they have been acquired, and, in the meantime, it is considered that they can most advantageously be used for the grazing of cattle owned by small farmers. It is the vast bulk of the land in Ireland that is already in the permanent occupation of farmers that can best be utilised for the immediate raising of crops which would serve as substitutes, for imported food-stuffs.