HC Deb 28 September 1915 vol 74 c747W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has been approached by any of the Oversea Dominions or by Colonial railway companies with the offer of land for settlement by approved wounded soldiers unfit for further war service and anxious to emigrate; and whether he would be prepared to set up a Committee charged with the duty of ascertaining whether the drafts made by Britain on the manhood of the Dominions for munition factories and war service could in any way be compensated for by the emigration of approved wounded soldiers anxious to settle in the Colonies?


Various suggestions have been brought to my notice dealing with the general question of the emigration of ex-Service men after the War, and some of these are, I understand, engaging the attention of the Dominion Governments. No proposals, however, for the settlement of wounded soldiers have been submitted to me by the Governments of any of the Oversea Dominions or by other bodies therein. At present I see no reason for the appointment of such a Committee as is suggested by the hon. Member.