HC Deb 20 October 1915 vol 74 c1808W

asked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs the date on which Sir Henry Bax-Ironsides left Sofia and the date on which Mr. O'Beirne presented his credentials as his successor?


Mr. O'Beirne was sent to Sofia on a special mission at the beginning of July to conduct the Legation during Sir H. Bax-Ironside's absence on leave. He was presented by Sir H. Bax-Ironside to the Bulgarian Prime Minister in that capacity on 8th July, and Sir H. Bax-Ironside left Sofia next day. Letters of credence as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on special mission were issued to Mr. O'Beirne under date of 5th August, and he presented these letters to King' Ferdinand on 3rd September.