HC Deb 19 May 1915 vol 71 cc2366-7W

likewise asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state what has been the total number of persons employed in the Land Valuation Department for each year since the creation of that Department; what is the estimated number of persons to be so employed in the current year; how many of these persons are males of military age; and how many have been allowed to enlist in His Majesty's fighting forces?


The numbers employed in the Valuation Branch of the Inland Revenue in the course of each of the years 1910–11 to 1913–14 were approximately as follows:—

1910–11 1,550
1911–12 2,830
1912–13 4,150
1913–14 4,650

In the course of 1914–15 the number was reduced as a result of some 1,000 members of the staff having been given permission to serve with His Majesty's Forces; and, further, of the balance available at the beginning of the year 1915–16, the services of some 1,700 will have been dispensed with in the course of the year. As regards the number of persons of military age, I may refer the hon. Member to my reply of the 12th instant to the hon Member for Aston Manor. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of this reply and also of a previous reply to which it makes reference.