HC Deb 12 May 1915 vol 71 c1663W

asked the Under-Secretary for War if Volunteers accepted for service with the Hornsey Division of the National Reserve were enlisted on the following conditions as to pay and duty, pay to be 4s. 6d. per diem and hours of duty to be 24 hours on and 24 hours off duty; if these conditions were duly observed for the first few weeks of service during the mobilisation of the unit; if, subsequently, any men, on being posted for duty to Waltham Abbey, were informed that their pay would be reduced to a gross total of 3s. per diem; that they would be compelled to refund any amount already drawn in excess of this lower rate of pay; and that they would be required to be on duty daily; and, if so, will he state if it is with the knowledge and the sanction of the War Office that men who engaged to serve on one set of conditions should subsequently be compelled to serve on other and inferior conditions?


My attention has not been drawn to the case referred to by the hon. Member, but I am having inquiry made.