HC Deb 17 June 1915 vol 72 c814W

next asked what are the regulations in the Metropolitan Police with respect to the taking down of statements made by persons in custody, and with respect to the questioning by constables of such persons or of persons suspected of offences?


The Metropolitan Police are instructed not to question persons who are in custody or are about to be taken into custody. Exceptions to this rule may have to be made for the purpose of identifying the person named in a warrant of arrest. When a person is merely under suspicion questions may be put to him if the answers to them may remove the suspicion and obviate the necessity of an arrest, but police officers are instructed to use the utmost discretion in doing this, and not to ask questions of a suspected person the answers to which may have an incriminatory character, without first cautioning him. Voluntary statements made by persons in custody are reduced to writing and preserved.