HC Deb 08 July 1915 vol 73 c543W

asked the President of the Board of Trade what measures are taken to prevent raw cotton from passing unhindered into Scandinavia; and can he say why no hindrance was placed in the way of importation into Scandinavia during the first three months of the present year of 54,000 metric tons of raw cotton over and above the amount imported during the same period of 1914?


Export of raw cotton from this country to Scandinavian countries is prohibited, and can only take place by virtue of a licence issued by the War Trade Department, who act on the advice of a special Cotton Exports Committee. Cotton on its way to Scandinavia from other countries than the United Kingdom is subject to the provisions of the Order in Council of 11th March, and if it is enemy property or with an enemy destination is not allowed to proceed. As regards the reasons for not declaring cotton to be contraband of war, and thus not preventing it going to Scandinavia prior to the issue of the Order in Council, I would refer the Noble Lord to the answer given on this subject by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the hon. Member for East Nottingham, on 4th February, of which I am sending him a copy.