§ Sir E. CORNWALLasked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, if he can state the amount contributed under the Act in respect of the treatment of tuberculosis cases in this country in the four years ending March, 1915?
Mr. ROBERTSSubject to some slight adjustment, the amount available under Section 16 (2) of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in respect of the period 15th July, 1912, to 31st December, 1914, for defraying the expenses of sanatorium benefit in the United Kingdom is £2,125,000. Further, a sanatorium benefit grant of £100,000 was voted in the Supplementary Estimates for 1914–15, £50,000 being paid into the special account for credit to the four National Health Insurance Funds, and the balance being revoted in the Estimates for 1915–16; and I may add that these figures do not include sums of £125,000, £180,000, £480,000 and £385,000 voted in the Estimates (Original and Supplementary) for 1913–14, and in the Estimates for 1914–15 and 1915–16, respectively, as provision for statutory grants under Section 17 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and for special grants towards the 641W cost of schemes undertaken by local authorities (or combinations of local authorities), with the approval of the Departments administering the grants, for the treatment of tuberculosis generally.