HC Deb 21 December 1915 vol 77 cc210-1W

also asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the only evicted tenant on the White estate, in North Longford, left unprovided for by restoration as an evicted tenant was Mr. Thomas Brady, of Culleennore; whether he was aware that Mr. Brady was evicted on the 27th November, 1888, and his farm taken by a man named Bodell, who was allowed to sell his interest to another person who is now treated by the Estates Commissioners as a bonâ fide tenant to Brady's exclusion; and whether, in any division of lands taking place in the near future in this district, Mr. Brady will be provided for?


I am informed that the owner of this estate instituted proceedings for the sale of his estate direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and purchase agreements, at prices agreed upon between the parties, were lodged with the Estates Commissioners, and the holdings were vested in the purchasing tenants in June, 1905. John W. Bodell, as tenant in occupation, purchased the holding formerly held by Brady, and it was? vested in Bodell accordingly in 1905. In May, 1909, he transferred his interest to Thomas Hand, who is now the registered owner of the lands. The reply to the con-eluding portion of the question is in the negative.

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