§ Sir GEORGE YOUNGERasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number of barrels of beer at the standard gravity charged with duty in England, Scotland, and Ireland, respectively, in the months of February and March, 1914, and February and March, 1915, giving the months separately?
§ Mr. LLOYD GEORGEsubmitted the following figures:—
— February, 1914. March, 1914. February, 1915. March, 1915. England … 2,107,657 2,453,605 1,613,116 2,011,547 Scotland … 142,875 159,559 96,899 125,281 Ireland … 281,187 325,063 265,184 312,977 United Kingdom … 2,531,719 2,938,227 1,975,199 2,449,805