HC Deb 24 November 1914 vol 68 c946W
Sir J. D. REES

asked the Under-Secretary for India whether he is aware that Sir J. Wolfe Barry and Partners have reported to the Bengal Nagpur Railway Company that a commercial harbour sufficient for local requirements can be constructed at Vizagapatam for £400,000, and whether, as such construction has long been admitted to be desirable in view of the facts that the harbour will, of itself, and still more in conjunction with the proposed construction of a railway between Vizagapatam and Raipur, develop a vast extent of fertile country, and will eventually provide the most direct route between Bombay and Rangoon, the Government of India proposes to construct the harbour or to facilitate its construction by private agency; and whether, in view of the facts that no fortified harbour exists between Colombo and Calcutta, that Vizagapatam readily admits of fortification because of the geographical conditions obtaining, and that the recent career of the "Emden" accentuates the need for action, the Government of India has under consideration the larger question of providing a deep water harbour with safe anchorage for warships covering the entrance to the inner harbour at Vizagapatam?


The Secretary of State has seen the report referred to, and is in communication with the Government of India on the subject of the proposed harbour at Vizagapatam. No decision has yet been arrived at.