HC Deb 24 November 1914 vol 68 c943W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the fact that Lance-corporal A. V. Goatley, of Thornton Heath, who had served twenty-two years in the Volunteers and Territorials and held the Territorial efficiency medal and Army ambulance certificate, was inoculated at Maidstone, on 18th August, when attached to the 4th Battalion of the Queen's; that in consequence he soon became seriously ill and was certified to be suffering from septic wound and neurasthenia; that on 15th September he was discharged from the Army through being medically unfit for further military service; has any compensation been paid, or will any be paid, to this man for the injury inflicted as well as the loss sustained by himself and his family through the stoppage of pay and separation allowance; and is he prepared to recommend the withdrawal of all regulations relating to vaccination and inoculation in the military services?


I have inquired carefully into this case and find that Lance-corporal Goatley himself states that he has never been inoculated against enteric fever. It is also not the case that the man has been discharged from the Army medically unfit for further military service. The facts are that the man was vaccinated against small-pox and that through his own neglect he had a bad arm. He was given leave and afterwards applied for an extension. He was recently examined by a medical board at the War Office, which found that there were no signs of any undue inflammation or suppuration and that he had perfect use of the left upper extremity. I am aware that Goatley is under the impression that he was discharged, and I am inquiring how the misunderstanding arose.