HC Deb 17 July 1914 vol 64 c2284W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland when the vesting orders will be issued on the Balfe estate, at Boherroe, Dromkeen, Pallasgrean, county Limerick; when were the purchase agreements lodged; and what is the cause of the delay in having the sale completed?


This estate is the subject of a sale direct to the tenants by the owner under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and purchase agreements at prices agreed upon between the parties were not lodged with the Estates Commissioners until September, 1908. The estate is not in priority for payment on the Principal Register of Direct Sales (all cash) during the present financial year, and the Commissioners are not at present in a position to say when the holdings on this estate may be vested in the purchasing tenants. When reached it will be dealt with as rapidly as possible.


asked the Chief Secretary if an inspector had visited the Massy Estate at Ballygeana, Galbally, county Limerick, and, if so, what steps were taken for the inspection of the holding of William Hanly, Ballygeana, Galbally, county Limerick, who refuses to sign on the terms given to the other tenants, as his land was much more highly rented; and will steps be taken to see that no vesting orders are issued until this man has his case settled, as he is willing to leave the settlement of the same to the Estates Commissioners?


The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. This estate is the subject of a sale by the owner direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903. William Hanly has not signed an agreement for the purchase of his holding. It is subject to a judicial rent fixed in 1904, and the question of price is a matter for arrangement between the parties. If an agreement is not lodged for the purchase of the holding it cannot be included in the sale.