HC Deb 23 February 1914 vol 58 c1422W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he will have inquiry made as to the, reasons why the following claimants for old age pensions in the Ballinskelligs district have not had their claims granted: Patrick Murphy, Fcrmoyle; John Crea, Ballinskelligs; Mrs. Honoria Day, Kinnard West, Ballinskelligs; Mrs. Mary Sugrue, Boolakeel, Ballinskelligs; Mrs. Johanna King, Clahanunoe, Ballinskelligs; Mrs. Honora Griffin, Killabuonia, Ballinskelligs?


The claims of the first two persons referred to in the question, namely, Patrick Murphy and John Creay (or Cray), were disallowed on appeal by the Local Government Board, because the statutory conditions as to twelve years' residence in the United Kingdom out of the previous twenty had not been complied with. With regard to the next three cases the claims were disallowed because, in the opinion of the Board, the means of the claimants exceeded the statutory limit. Mrs. Day had a well-stocked and well-tilled farmed of sixteen acres. Mrs. Sugrue had a similar farm of upwards of seventeen acres, while Mrs. King had a farm of fifty acres. Mrs. Griffin's claim was disallowed by the Board in 1912 on the ground that she was at that time under the statutory age. Mrs. King's claim was also decided in 1912, but she has made a fresh claim, which is now under consideration.