HC Deb 23 February 1914 vol 58 cc1432-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the number of emigrants who left the United Kingdom for the United States and other foreign countries during 1910, 1911, 1912, and 1913, respectively?


The numbers of emigrants from the United Kingdom to countries out of Europe have only been distinguished from those of other passengers since 1st April, 1912. During the last nine months of 1912 and the year 1913 the numbers of passengers of British nationality, recorded as having had a permanent residence in the United Kingdom, who left to take up permanent residence in foreign countries out of Europe were as follows:—

Country of Future Permanent Residence.
United States. Other Foreign Countries out of Europe. All Foreign Countries out of Europe.
1st April to 31st Dec., 1912 79,683 7,480 87,163
Calendar year, 1913 94,660 9,490 104,150
for previous years the only figures available are those showing the numbers of pas- sengers who left this country having contracted to land at a port in a foregin country, and the numbers of those who embarked at a foreign port and landed in this country. The numbers of such passengers outward who were of British nationality, and the excess of outward over inward direct passengers between the United Kingdom and foreign countries out of Europe, were as follows:—

Year. Outward Passengers. Excess of Outward over Inward Passengers.
To United States. To Other Foreign Countries out of Europe. To all Foreign Countries out of Europe. To United States. To Other Foreign Countries out of Europe. To all Foreign Countries out of Europe.
1910 132,192 16,207 148,399 73,569 1,262 74,831
1911 121,814 16,965 138,779 49,732 1,695 51,427
1912 117,310 19,293 136,603 45,817 2,680 48,497
1913 129,114 18,973 148,087 52,175 1,149 53,324

The figures for 1913 are subject to revision, and none of the figures include the numbers who travelled to or from more distant countries via Continental ports.