HC Deb 06 August 1914 vol 65 cc2070-1W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he can give any figures or estimates which would supply an indication of the proportion of children leaving public elementary schools in England which proceeds to secondary schools or technical schools or receives further instruction in other ways, and the proportion which fails to receive any continuative education after leaving the public elementary day school?


It is estimated that the proportion of children leaving public elementary schools who continue their education at a recognised secondary school is 1: 22. It is impossible to give an accurate estimate of the proportion who continue their education in other schools or classes, and figures under this head would be misleading unless the nature and amount of further instruction received by such children and the age at which it is received were also indicated. On this subject I may refer my hon. Friend to my remarks in this House on the Education Estimates on the 28th July last, and to the Report of the Consultative Committee on Attendance at Continuation Schools, 1909.