HC Deb 20 April 1914 vol 61 c591W

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the Insurance Commissioners, if he is aware that a man named Wilkinson, twenty-eight years of age, who, up to 31st January last, was a member of the West Riding police force, and is now a tram driver at Bolton, has been informed, by the secretary of the approved society that he desires to join, that he will have to pay a capital sum of £4 8s. if he wishes to have the full monetary benefit provided by the Act; and whether he will give the details as to how this amount is made up?


The capital sum payable under Section 9 (4) of the National Insurance Act, 1911, to secure full benefits for a man entering insurance for the first time after 12th October last, is £4 8s. at age twenty-nine. This amount represents, approximately, the liability incurred by the society in accepting members of this age who do not bring with them any reserve value.