HC Deb 08 April 1914 vol 60 cc1970-1W

asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board has taken any steps or instituted any negotiations for the purchase and sale of the following estates, the tenants of which have applied several years ago, namely: the estate of Major Torrens, Lecamy and Carrowblagh, the estate of the trustees of the Reverend Thomas MacLellan, Tar-drum, Balleighan, Ballymacarthur, the estate of George Gilliland, Carrichue, and the estate of MacNeill, Carrowmena, all in the county Donegal; and will he say what, if any, progress has been made?


The Congested Districts Board have communicated with the owners of the properties referred to, but none of the estates have been offered for sale through the Board. The estate of John Smyth and another, trustees of the Reverend Thomas McClellan is the subject of sale proceedings before the Estates Commissioners by the owners direct to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903. Having regard to its position on the principal register of direct sales (all cash), the Commissioners are unable to state when it may be reached.


asked the Chief Secretary when the untenanted lands at Moyvane, Newtownsands, North Kerry, purchased by the Estates Commissioners, will be divided and distributed amongst the poor people of the district?


The Estates Commissioners hope to be in a position to distribute the untenanted lands on this estate at an early date.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he will bring before the Estates Commissioners the case of Mr. P. Kirby, of Gortnaminch, North Kerry, an evicted tenant, who claims reinstatement in his holding, or an equivalent holding of untenanted land; and whether his application will receive favourable and immediate consideration?


The hon. Member I presume refers to the application of Patrick Kirby for reinstatement in a holding at one time in the possession of his father on the Listowel estate. This estate has been purchased by the occupiers under the Land Purchase Acts, and the Estates Commissioners have no power to interfere with the present occupier of the holding in question. Kirby's application was not lodged within the period prescribed by the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907, and it cannot, therefore, be dealt with under that Act.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Thomas M'Namara, senior, of Guhard, Liselton, North Kerry, signed his agreement to purchase his holding on the Huggard estate; can he say whether the agreement to purchase, which was signed in the presence of Mr. P. O'Carroll, J.P., Ballybunion, was lodged with the Estates Commissioners; and, if so, whether he can state why the landlord has not carried out the conditions of the purchase agreement?


The Estates Commissioners understand from the solicitor for the vendor that this tenant is a second term tenant, and that when filling up the forms of purchase agreement a mistake was made in the agent's office by filling into the form prepared for McNamara the terms of purchase applicable to a first term tenant. The agent, on discovering the mistake, returned the form to McNamara, pointing out the error, and stating that the document could not be accepted. McNamara was also informed of the terms upon which a purchase agreement could be accepted from him. Up to the present no purchase agreement in respect of this holding has been lodged with the Estates Commissioners.

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