HC Deb 10 June 1913 vol 53 c1462W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the steamer "Mount Temple" has recently had an addition made to the number of lifeboats carried; whether he is aware that this vessel now carries thirty-two collapsible lifeboats, four rafts, and three Henderson boats; if he is aware that the deck crew of the "Mount Temple" consists of only twelve able seamen, four quartermasters, and a boatswain; whether he is aware that this vessel carries over 1,600 emigrants from Antwerp to Canada; and if he will give instructions that a sufficient number of efficient deck hands will be carried with a view of manning the lifeboats in case of emergency?


When this vessel last left London there were eighteen lifeboats or boats of other descriptions on board, these being sufficient for the number of persons the vessel was certified by her passenger steamer certificate to carry. I am in communication with the owners of the "Mount Temple" in regard to the matter, and the question is receiving careful consideration.