HC Deb 17 July 1913 vol 55 cc1460-1W

asked the Prime Minister whether he received a copy of a resolution passed on 18th June at a meeting of the committee of the National Vaccination Officers' Association, alleging that they have not been fairly dealt with in the matter of fees; whether he is aware that there are 1,400 vaccination officers within the jurisdiction of the Local Government Board; and whether he can state how many of those 1,400 officers are financial members of the National Vaccination Officers' Association?


The answer to. the first two points is in the affirmative. I understand that the membership of the-association was about 150 in 1910, but I have no information as to the number now.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that during the four years ended Lady Day, 1899, the total fees paid to vaccination officers amounted to £98,968 13s. 6d., and that during that period there was no general complaint of injustice being done to them, or that many of them were on the verge of starvation; whether he is aware that during the four years ended Lady Day, 1903, the total fees paid to vaccination officers amounted to £218,261 15s. 10d.; and whether, seeing that the fees now being paid to officers are still far in excess of what was the case prior to 1899, he will take steps to bring about a reduction to the old level and to replace any of the officers who may not be satisfied?


The facts are generally as stated in the question, but, in view of the duties of the vaccination officers, I should not feel justified in taking the course suggested.