HC Deb 10 July 1913 vol 55 cc600-1W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in debarring a person from old age pension on attaining the age of seventy years, money to the extent of £200 invested in the Savings Bank at 2½ per cent. interest, and to the extent of £50 at 3 1–3 in another investment, are calculated by the pension officer as returning 5 per cent, interest; if so, is this under a regulation of his Department; and, if not, will he introduce an amending Act so that safe investment in Government securities may be encouraged instead of the reverse?


The method of calculation to which my hon. Friend refers was laid down by Statute (Section 2 (1) of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1911) and not by departmental regulations. I fear I am unable to propose an Amendment of the law on this point.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Ellen O'Connor, of Barrack Street, Tallow, county Water-ford, has been refused an old age pension by a decision of the Local Government Board reversing the decision of the Lismore sub-committee on the ground of age; why the Local Government Board declined to accept the evidence produced by her that she is over seventy years of age; in what respect does the Board consider the evidence to be defective; and whether, if further evidence is given, the Board will reconsider its decision?


The hon. Member is under a misapprehension in thinking that the Local Government Board reversed the decision of the local sub-committee on this claim. The claim was disallowed by the sub-committee, and, on appeal, the Board confirmed the sub-committee's action. The evidence furnished by the claimant was defective, inasmuch as it was insufficient to establish that she had reached the statutory age. The Board have no power to reconsider a decision when given on a claim.

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