HC Deb 13 January 1913 vol 46 c1687W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what proportion of the sum of £9,334,020, given on page 103 of the last Inland Revenue Returns (Cd. 6344) as the total net produce of Income Tax, under Schedule A, for 1910–11, is derived from agricultural land and buildings as distinguished from other forms of real property?


As I have on previous occasions explained to the hon. Member, the amount of tax paid in respect of any particular class of property cannot be exactly stated. The gross assessments on lands—which, broadly speaking, comprise agricultural land and buildings—form 19 per cent. of the total gross assessments under Schedule A, but it is impossible to apportion the deductions among the various classes of property in such a way as to enable the net assessments on each class to be determined with any approach to certainty.