HC Deb 13 February 1913 vol 48 cc1199-202W

asked the Chief Secretary whether certain inspectors of national schools in the county Wicklow are trying to force certain teachers in that county out of the service before they are entitled to a pension; whether, seeing that a Commission is appointed to inquire into the justice and the suitability of the present system of inspection, the National Board will see that no teachers are unfairly dealt with before the Commission reports?


The Commissioners of National Education have communicated with the inspectors of national schools in the county Wicklow, and these officers assure them that there is no foundation for the allegations made regarding them.


asked the Chief Secretary whether it has come to the knowledge of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland that the Right Reverend Monsignor O'Leary, P.P., Castleisland, county Kerry, has been using his position as manager of the Knockeenahone national schools in that parish to compel parents to send their children to schools other than those of their own selection; and whether it is allowable under the rules of the Board that boys under nine years of age may be taught in any girls' school?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that the senior inspector in charge of Knockeenahone schools having inquired into this matter reports that he can find no evidence in support of the statement that Monsignor O'Leary, parish priest, has been using his position as manager to compel parents to send their children to schools other than those of their own selection. The rules of the Commissioners permit of boys being taught in girls' schools until the 30th June next following the completion of their eighth year of age.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, in the case of Mrs. Margaret Kerin, assistant teacher in the Knockeenahone school, county Kerry, the manager, the Right Reverend Monsignor O'Leary, has refused to sign the agreement form with her; whether he is bound by the rules of the Commissioners of National Education to sign it; whether he has also refused to sign her salary claim, although the Commissioners definitely ordered the reappointment of this teacher; and what steps will be taken in reference to both these matters?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that they are not yet in a position to furnish a reply to this question pending the receipt of a communication which is awaited from the manager of this school.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the Aughlish applicant school, Circuit 4a, Dromore, county Tyrone, has been open since the 15th July last with an average attendance of over twenty pupils on the roll under a duly qualified national school teacher; whether an application was made on the 27th August last to the Commissioners of National Education for a Grant in support of the school; whether a memorial signed by a large number of parents in the district praying for the recognition of the school by the Board was forwarded to the Commissioners on the 8th October last; and why the Board has not yet made provision for the maintenance of the school?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that on the 28th August last an application was received from Mr. Patrick McLoughlin, rural district councillor, for aid to a school at Aughlish, Dromore, county Tyrone, which had been opened for pupils on the 15th July, 1912. The memorial referred to has been received in support of the application, and the matter will be considered by the Commissioners at their next meeting.


asked when payments will be made to Irish national teachers of the salaries withheld from them under the maternity rule?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to the similar question asked by the hon. Member for Mid-Tipperary on the 11th instant.

Captain CRAIG

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he can state if the Treasury are making provision in the Estimates for 1913–14 for the payment of Irish national teachers' salaries monthly from 1st April next in accordance with a promise made by the Chief Secretary for Ireland almost twelve months ago?


The hon. Member, I presume, refers to the statement which I made in the Debate on Supply on 31st July last in reference to this matter. While I expressed a hope that at some time or other I would be able to induce the Treasury to place upon the Estimates a sum sufficient to provide for the change from quarterly to monthly payments I was careful to refrain from making any promise as to when such provision could be made. I have again been in communication with the Treasury on the subject, but they are unable to agree to provision being made in the Estimates for 1913–14 for the introduction of a monthly system of payment.