HC Deb 13 February 1913 vol 48 c1208W

asked the Chief Secretary what inquiries were made by the Congested Districts Board for Ireland before they sanctioned the appointment of Richard J. Walsh to be secretary and supervisor of the Castleisland parish committee for the year 1911–12; if, notwithstanding that the attention of the Congested Districts Board was directed on the 21st June, 1912, to the fact that this man had treated the judgments of the High Court of Justice in Ireland with contempt, that he had defied and assaulted the servants of the Crown in the execution of their duty, that he had declined to pay his rates, and that when the rate collector seized his corn for unpaid rates it was removed by force, and nothing recovered, that the sight of several of the police was seriously imperilled owing to the boiling tar and lime which was flung on them by Richard J. Walsh and his friends when violently resisting the officers of the Law, the Board invited him to act for the year 1912–13; and if he will state when the next meeting of the Congested Districts Board for Ireland will take place?


As I have already informed the hon. Member, the facts mentioned in the question were not before the Congested Districts Board when they sanctioned the appointment of Mr. Walsh as Secretary to the Castleisland parish committee for the year 1911–12. The Board have not invited Mr. Walsh to act in that capacity for the year 1912–13, but his name has been submitted to them, and they have not yet decided, pending inquiries, what action they will take in the matter. The next meeting of the Board will be held on the 11th March, 1913.