HC Deb 11 February 1913 vol 48 cc726-8W

asked the Chief Secretary whether the school garden attached to the national school at Clonfad, Ballyhaunis, in the county Roscommon, is entitled to an Equipment Grant; whether an application for the same has been made by the principal teacher of the school; and, if so, can he state why the application has not been granted?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that no application has been received by them for the recognition of the school garden in connection with this national school under the new scheme of instruction in horticulture for national schools. In the absence of such application, and of necessary particulars, it is not possible to state whether a grant towards the cost of equipment of the garden could be made.


asked whether any arrangement has yet been made by the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland with regard to the recoupment of teachers who suffered financial loss owing to the operation of the recently withdrawn Maternity Rule 92 (j) of the Commissioners' code?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the question asked on this subject by the hon. Member for South Westmeath on the 6th instant.


asked the number of married women teachers and the number of unmarried women teachers under the Board of National Education, and the number of male teachers who have been awarded the Carlisle and Blake premiums by the Commissioners of National Education since 1900?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that according to the last available Return there were on 31st December, 1910, approximately 2,567 married women, 6,829 unmarried women, and 133 widows employed as principal, assistant, or junior assistant mistresses. The number of men teachers who from 1900 to 1911 inclusive were awarded the Carlisle and Blake premium was 142.


asked the Chief Secretary when he proposes to give his promised Grant to secondary education in Ireland; will it be available for distribution in the year 1913; and whether, seeing that for want of funds no secondary education is available in Ireland for the child of the poor man, no matter how brilliant he may be, he will make the Grant available as soon as possible?


The action of the county councils has placed a serious obstacle in the way of the scheme for scholarships from primary to secondary schools. If this obstacle can be removed I have every hope the scheme may be put in operation before the end of the current year.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland have defined the exceptional circumstances of Rule 103 (c), or have they laid down definite conditions of service, attainments, and reports to guide them in awarding promotion to assistant teachers under Rule 103 (c); and, if so, what are these conditions and have they been communicated to the teachers whose position is affected?


The Commissioners or National Education inform me that a definition of the "exceptional circumstances," referred to in Rule 103 (c), has been prepared for official use in dealing with exceptional cases, but it has not been considered desirable to publish it.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon national education have arranged that the sittings shall be held in camera, and that publicity will not be given to their proceedings daily; and, if so, whether he can state why departure from the ordinary rule has been taken in this instance; and whether he is aware that those interested would prefer open examination and daily publication?


I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave yesterday to the question of the hon. Member on this subject.


asked when those female teachers who have paid substitutes under Rule 93 (j) will be recouped the amount?


Treasury authority has been received by the Commissioners of National Education sanctioning, subject to certain limitations, recoupment being made to teachers appointed before 1st July, 1911, for payments made by them to substitutes employed during their absence from school under the requirements of Rule 92 (j). Payment as thus authorised will be made without delay in each case as soon as the Commissioners receive from the managers of the schools concerned, particulars and vouchers showing the amounts paid to the substitutes.