HC Deb 03 February 1913 vol 47 c1815W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland at what stage is the inquiry into the teachers' pension fund at present; when may the actuarial investigation into that fund be looked forward to as being complete; and, as the financial year ends on 31st March, what is to become of the £25,000 voted for the current year if the investigation be not complete by that date?


The commencement of the inquiry was much delayed owing to the resignation of the actuary originally selected by the teachers. Statistics, which are necessarily very elaborate, are being got out by the Departments concerned, upon instructions given by the actuaries, and it is hoped that, as far as the Departments are concerned, the figures will be in the hands of the actuaries towards the end of March. It is impossible to state the length of time which will be required by the actuaries to complete their report upon the figures. The additional sum of £25,000 has been paid into the Teachers' Pension Fund, and will accumulate.