HC Deb 28 April 1913 vol 52 cc814-5W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if his attention has been directed to the sale of the farm at Tooreenamult, county Kerry, held by the executors of the late Mrs. M'Sweeney, and to the fact that this holding adjoins a number of small holdings not exceeding five acres, the occupiers of which have for years past had a milch cow or two grazing on Mrs. M'Sweeney's farm; and, seeing that the farm is in the congested district of Coon, county Kerry, will steps be taken by the Congested Districts Board or Estates Commissioners to acquire this farm and have it divided between the adjoining small farmers and lot holders?


The attention of the Congested Districts Board has been called to the fact that the executors of the late Mrs. M'Sweeney propose to sell by auction, on the 30th instant, the tenancy interest in the farm referred to. The Board have decided that they will not bid for the purchase of farms at auctions, and they do not propose to depart from their usual practice in this instance.


asked the Chief Secretary if he will state what progress has been made by the Estates Commissioners in connection with the purchase of the town holdings on the Lord Gough estate at Gort, county Galway; whether the maps and documents necessary for a preliminary inspection have been lodged with the Commissioners; whether an inspection of the holdings has taken place and the present position of affairs; and what explanation is offered for the delay in entering into purchase agreements with the occupying tenants, considering that Lord Gough and the middlemen have left the price to be fixed by the Commissioners on the occupying tenants to whom the sale is proposed to be made?


Lord Gough has lodged with the Estates Commissioners the maps and other documents relating to the town holdings in Gort. The Commissioners have had a preliminary inspection made, and, having regard to the nature and character of these holdings, they do not propose to make an offer at present for their purchase.


asked the Chief Secretary the number of estates which have been sold under the Land Purchase (Ireland) Acts, 1903 and 1909, respectively, in county Cavan; and will he state the average price paid in years' purchase, giving also the highest and lowest number of years' purchase paid on any of the estates referred to?


I would refer the hon. Member to Tables XXXIV. and XXXVI. of the Appendix to the last Annual Report of the Estates Commissioners, which give by counties the number of estates sold under the Irish Land Acts, 1903–09, together with the purchase money advanced. Tables XVI. and XVIII. of the same Appendix give by counties in direct sales the number of years' purchase of the rent which the purchase money represents. The information asked for in the last paragraph of the question could not be obtained without a detailed examination of the papers connected with each estate.