HC Deb 03 April 1913 vol 51 cc573-4W

asked what are the amounts of the estimated Grants in aid of sickness and maternity benefits, respectively, for England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland for the year 1913–14; upon what basis have such estimates been arrived at; how many days' average sickness has been allowed for; and how has the amount required for maternity benefit been calculated?


The estimated Grants in aid of sickness and maternity benefits respectively under Part I. of the National Insurance Act during the year 1913–14 are shown by the following table:—

Sickness Benefit. Maternity Benefit.
£ £
England 1,020,400 221,000
Wales 69,900 17,000
Scotland 147,100 32,300
Ireland 76,900 15,700
Payments to employed married women in respect of confinements are in general included in sickness benefit, as provided by the Act. The remainder of the question raises matters of detailed actuarial calculation which cannot conveniently be discussed in answer to a Parliamentary question. These will be dealt with in detail in the Annual Report of the National Health Insurance Joint Committee, which I hope to lay on the Table at an early date. I may, however, say that the figures adopted as the basis of the estimate are substantially the same as those arrived at by Messrs. Hardy and Wyatt in the calculations upon which the finance of the insurance scheme was based.