HC Deb 29 October 1912 vol 43 cc249-52W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware of Albert Meldon and others selling a large amount of untenanted land to the Estates Commissioners at Coolarne, Athenry, within the past two years; whether a herd named Patrick Gill was residing on the Coolarne farm at the time; whether it is customary in all such cases as that of Mr. Gill to provide a holding on the untenanted farm for the herd; why the law in respect of Gill's application was departed from; and will his case be considered in connection with the distribution of other lands in the district at present in the hands of the Estates Commissioners?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the affirmative. The Estates Commissioners acquired some 1,080 acres of untenanted lands on this estate, and allotted them after due inquiry and consideration. It was not possible to provide enlargements for all applicants.


asked the Chief Secretary how it is that Edward Twaddle, of Nappogue parish, of Moydow, county Longford, got no opportunity of redeeming the tithe rent charge of his farm, when his next door neighbour, Mr. Newman, a tenant on the same townland and property, had his commuted to thirty-five yearly instalments; and will he see that. Mr. Twaddle gets the same terms and does not have to pay this charge in perpetuity?


Prior to the passing of the Tithe Rent Charge (Ireland) Act, 1900, Mr. Edward Twaddle could, like any other person paying tithe rent charge to the Church Temporalities Commissioners, or the Irish Land Commissioners as their successors, have redeemed the charge either by an immediate cash payment or by spreading the purchase money over a period of years. Section 4 of the Act referred to, however, took away the power of voluntary redemption of tithe rent charge in cases where such charge was reducible in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of that Act, which applied to Mr. Twaddle's case, whose tithe rent charge of £5 4s. 6d. was reduced to £3 16s. In the Newman case his predecessor exercised his power of redemption so far back as the year 1876, and the entire purchase money was paid off in the year 1910.


asked whether the officials of the Congested Districts Board have yet completed their inspection and valuation of the estate of the Marquess of Sligo; and when, approximately, will they be able to make an offer for the purchase of the property?


The inspection of the estate referred to has been completed, except a small section including the town of Westport. The Congested Districts Board are at present in negotiation with the owner, and if certain details can be arranged, it is expected that the Board's offer for the purchase of the estate will be issued during the month of November.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board has taken any steps to acquire the congested estate of Mrs. Livingstone, situate in Islandeady, county Mayo, or the portion of it at Fair-hill leased by Mr. Jordan, who is willing to sell his interest to the Board?


The maps and documents necessary for a preliminary inspection of the estate of the hon. Mrs. Livingstone, comprising the lands of Ballyglass and Ballintleva, in the electoral Division of Kilmaclasser, have been lodged with the Congested Districts Board, and a decision will be arrived at regarding purchase as soon as practicable. Mr. Jordan holds the lands of Fairhill for a lease of lives only one of which now remains, and as the head landlord has not offered to sell the lands to the Board they have not taken any steps to acquire Mr. Jordan's interest in them.


asked the cause of delay in acquiring and distributing the Fuge estate at Templemary, county Cork, the owner having offered these lands for voluntary acquirement in October, 1908, and part of the estate having been allotted since May, 1911?


Some 390 acres of untenanted land, situate in the townland of Templemary, county Cork, on the Fuge estate, are the subject of proceedings for sale to the Estates Commissioners under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and will be dealt with when reached in order of priority under that Act.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the estate of Mr. B. F. Kenney, situated in the townlands of Killenna and Kinarra, county Leitrim, has been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board; and whether, having regard to the number of uneconomic holdings in the district and that an evicted tenant is awaiting reinstatement, and there being so little land available for distribution in county Leitrim, the Board will take steps to purchase the estate?


The estate referred to was offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board. The Board were of opinion that they would be unable to utilise the lands for increasing the size of small holdings, and they, therefore, decided not to purchase the property.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that a large untenanted farm on the estate of the representatives of Major Clarke, Craig Abbey, Athenry, was put up for sale about three years ago; that this farm was purchased by a committee of gentlemen acting on behalf of the small tenants in the locality; that this committee served an originating request on the Congested Districts Board to take over the farm for the congests; and whether, in view of the obligation which this committee took on its shoulders in its endeavour to secure this farm for the needy poor, the Congested Districts Board will immediately take over the farm for distribution, as intended, amongst the small holders of land in the locality?


The facts are as stated in the first three paragraphs of the question. The Congested Districts Board, after careful consideration, decided not to purchase the farm in question.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the estate of Mr. N. G. Richardson, near Athenry, was purchased by the Estates Commissioners; is he aware that a communication was addressed to the local estates committee, dated 29th April, 1910, saying that the Estates Commissioners would complete the sale at an early date; and can he state when, and by what department, it is proposed to deal with this estate?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the negative. This estate was the subject of proceedings for sale to the Estates Commissioners under the Land Purchase Acts, but the proceedings have been transferred to the Congested Districts Board. An offer for the purchase of the estate has been issued by the Board, and they are still in communication with the vendor's solicitors regarding it.