HC Deb 29 October 1912 vol 43 c252W

asked how far the negotiations have proceeded with the Development Commissioners for the building of a suitable pier in Dingle Harbour; and whether, seeing that inconvenience and loss is caused by delay, steps will be taken to have this matter settled as soon as possible?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 23rd July last, to which I have nothing to add at present.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, seeing that the fishing industry along the Dingle and Brandon peninsula is one of the largest and most important in Ireland, the number of hands employed in the industry large, and the district otherwise poor, he will say what steps the Congested Districts Board propose to take to make the industry more remunerative to those engaged in it?


The harbour and landing accommodation of the district have been much improved by the Congested Districts Board and further works are contemplated. Efforts are being made to improve the methods of curing mackerel for the American market.