HC Deb 15 October 1912 vol 42 cc1069-70W
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that, on the night of Sunday, 28th July, a bomb containing gunpowder enclosed in the box of a cart-axle was exploded outside the residence of Mr. John Horan, caretaker and dairyman on an evicted farm at Derry-gallon, in the Kanturk district, county Cork, and that several windows were broken and other damage done by this explosion; whether several other outrages have been committed in connection with this farm; and whether any person has been brought to justice for these offences?


On the night of the 28th July an explosion took place, as stated, outside the house of John Horan. The fact was reported to the police at Kanturk at five o'clock in the morning by Horan's son, and the district inspector at once proceeded to the scene with all the available men at the station, and dispatched patrols to visit the houses and interrogate the persons whom he suspected as being likely to have committed the outrage. All these persons were visited by the police before they left their beds on the morning of the occurrence. The place where the explosive was placed was such that it could not possibly injure the walls of the dwelling-house, and it was evident that no serious damage was intended. The police have continued to make every possible inquiry, but, so far, without success. There were some previous cases of intimidation in connection with this farm, and in one case three persons were proceeded against by the police, but were acquitted.