HC Deb 14 October 1912 vol 42 cc796-7W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will give the strength of officers by ranks according to the Army List of 1st October last of the 3rd and 4th Battalions Special Reserve, respectively, excluding Regular establishment, and the deficiency; the strength of non-commissioned officers and men of the 3rd and 4th Battalions Special Reserve, respectively, excluding Regular establishment, and the number of non-commissioned officers and men under twenty years of age, and the number required to complete the establishment of 3rd and 4th battalions, respectively, on the 1st October last; if he will give the strength in non-commissioned officers and men of the three strongest of and the three weakest Line battalions which took part in the recent Army manSuvres, and the number of men of less than one year's service, and the number of non-commissioned officers and men under twenty years of age in these six battalions, respectively, and the strength of a Line battalion in non-commissioned officers and men on the Home establishment in peace and when mobilised for war; if he will give the number of Regular Horse and Field Artillery batteries which were present at the recent Army manSuvres, and the number of horses and guns per battery, and the number of horses and guns required for a battery of Horse and Field Artillery when mobilised for war; and if he will state whether the classification of horses had been finally completed on the 1st October last?

Colonel SEELY

As regards the Special Reserves, the information available is as follows:—

Table showing Strength and Deficiency of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men in the Special Reserve, and Extra Reserve Battalions of Infantry, on 1st October, 1912:—

Establishment. Lieut.-Colonels. Majors. Captains.
Establishment. Strength. Deficiency. Surplus. Establishment. Strength. Deficiency. Surplus. Establishment. Strength. Deficiency. Surplus.
Special Reserve Battalions 74 73 1 74 87 13 374 408 34
Extra Reserve Battalions. 27 26 1 81 61 20 162 133 29

Establishment Lieutenants. 2nd Lieutenants. N.C.O.'s and Men.
Establishment. Strength. Deficiency. Surplus. Establishment. Strength. Deficiency. Surplus. Establishment. Strength. Deficit.
Special Reserve Battalions 810 276 534 592 252 340 42,928 34,182 8,746
Extra Reserve Battalions 297 105 192 216 69 147 20,250 12,251 7,999

There are no figures available at the War Office showing the numbers under twenty years of age. As regards the six Line Battalions present at manœuvres, the detailed statistics and cannot therefore be stated.

As regards the Artillery Batteries, the information is as follows:—

Batteries. Average No. of Horses per Battery. Guns per Battery.
R.H.A. R.F.A. R.H.A. R.F.A.
Present at Manœuvres 5 56 114 69 3
War Establishment per Battery 224 172 6

As regards the classification of horses, the annual classification commenced on 1st October. The previous classification for 1911–1912 was completed on 30th September.