HC Deb 25 November 1912 vol 44 c840W
Major HOPE

asked whether, in the event of the Irish Parliament and the United Kingdom Parliament altering Customs or Excise Duties, there is any provision in the Government of Ireland Bill to make such alterations or variations effective from the same day; and, if not, whether, having regard to the confusion that might arise and to the inconvenience caused to importers and manufacturers if duties on one article were varied twice, within a year, provision will be made for variations of duty by either Parliament to take effect as from the same day?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. In view of the limited nature of the powers of variation to be conferred on the Irish Parliament, and of the probability that their exercise would not be frequent, it is not considered necessary to insert any provision in the Bill of the character suggested in the question. Such a provision would import, also, difficulties of its own.