HC Deb 07 November 1912 vol 43 c1469W

asked the Home Secretary how many men have lost their lives in England and Scotland, respectively, from 1902 to 1907 and from 1907 to 1912 while using breathing appliances such as those prescribed by the Rescue and Aid (Mining) Order of this year; and how many lives have been saved in each country from their use?


No lives were lost in the first period; five were lost in the second, all in England and Wales: It is impossible, in the nature of things, to say what loss of life which would otherwise have occurred has been prevented through the use of breathing apparatus for rescue and exploring work, but it is undoubtedly the case that loss of life has occurred in the past which would have been prevented had trained men, equipped with breathing apparatus, been available, and that the risk attaching to rescue and exploring work is greatly diminished by their use.