HC Deb 21 May 1912 vol 38 cc1886-7W

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he is aware that the Board of Trade has had brought under its notice during the past twenty years the results of, besides legislative and other facts arising out of, the international gambling systems; whether he can state what steps the Government propose to take in the economic interests of the country to prevent any further national disasters caused by the international gambling operations in options, futures and warrants in non-existent quantities of foodstuffs, raw material and finance; and (2) whether he is aware1 that a corner has been engineered in wheat futures for May delivery, thereby forcing artificially dear grain prices all over the world; whether he is aware that the French Cabinet held a meeting at Rambouillet recently to discuss the causes and the remedial measures to be taken; and that in order to prevent a further slump in French Rentes the Government has adopted certain new rules of taxation; whether he is aware that the Russian Government has taken measures with a view of breaking down the present corners in metals; and whether he will cause inquiries to be made into these matters and lay the facts before the House?


The hon. Member has frequently directed attention to this subject by questions in this House, and at his instance Returns have been compiled giving information as to the legislation in force abroad respecting the matter. A Return in continuation of those previously issued is now in course of preparation; but, as my hon. Friend has frequently been informed, His Majesty's Government, as at present advised, see no practicable means of putting an end to any evils that may be connected with this class of opera- tions without undue interference with legitimate trade.