HC Deb 16 May 1912 vol 38 c1431W

asked the Home Secretary if he will state on what grounds the Rev. S. Henry, who killed his wife on the 12th April, and has since been sent to a lunatic asylum, was released after discharging a revolver in the Central Hall of the House of Commons; whether inquiries were made by the police in the neighbourhood where he lives prior to such release; and whether the inquiries, if made, elicited the opinion from those who knew him that his release would involve serious danger to those about him?


I would remind my hon. Friend that, as I stated in my reply to the hon. Member for Lincoln on 2nd May, I have no authority to interfere with the discretion of the Courts in dealing with cases of this kind. The magistrate at Bow Street who dealt with the case in March last had before him a report on Mr. Henry's state of mind, and it is clear from that report, which I have seen, that at that time there was, in the opinion of the experienced medical officer, no ground for apprehending further violence.