HC Deb 07 May 1912 vol 38 cc350-1W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he will state the cause of the compulsory retirement of Constable John J. Beirne, of Shanballymore, Doneraile, county Cork, East Riding; what were the reasons why he was refused an inquiry at which he could have legal assistance; whether several unsuccessful attempts to cause his previous removal had been made on unfounded and unsustainable charges by various county and district inspectors; and whether his removal has been the outcome of charges made, directly or indirectly, connected with the evidence which he gave when stationed at Cordal, county Kerry, tending to prove the innocence of John Twiss, who was executed for murder some years ago in Cork?


The Inspector-General informs me that Constable Beirne was called on to retire after he had been found guilty of a disciplinary offence—as the result of an investigation by the County Inspector. The application for a special inquiry was received too late to alter the arrangements already made by the County Inspector to investigate the case. The constable's previous character was unsatisfactory, and he was neither efficient nor energetic, and was a hindrance to the effective working of the station. He had been punished four times, thrice for drunkenness, and on one occasion was warned for dismissal. There is no foundation for the statement in the last paragraph of the question.