HC Deb 27 March 1912 vol 36 c562W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the prosecution of Mr. John Williamson, Belfast, under the Vaccination Act; whether the Belfast guardians promised not to prosecute Mr. John Williamson for the non-vaccination of his child whilst so many children's ailments were prevalent in the city; whether, within three weeks of such promise, a summons was authorised; whether, in consequence of the illness of the child, Mr. Williamson obtained from his medical adviser a certificate of postponement in the form of Schedule B, as required by the Vaccination (Ireland) Act, 1863; whether, in spite of this, the magistrate imposed a fine of 20s. and costs; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


I am informed that the Belfast board of guardians at their meeting on the 12th instant had before them a letter from Mr. James Williamson, stating that, in view of the prevalence of children's ailments in the city, he would not allow his child to be vaccinated, whereupon the guardians instructed their solicitor to institute legal proceedings against him. The Local Government Board have no knowledge of a certificate having been presented by Mr. Williamson, as stated, and are not aware of the result of the legal proceedings referred to. The Board have no jurisdiction to interfere in the matter.