HC Deb 27 March 1912 vol 36 c560W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how the Development Grant has been distributed up to the last date for which the information is available?


The Development Commissioners have recommended advances partly by way of Grant and partly by way of loan for the following amounts, in round figures:—

£217,000 for agriculture, co-operation, and rural industries.
£166,000 for the development of fisheries, including fishery harbour improvements.
£15,500 for forestry.
£19,500 for the omprovement of inland navigations.

In some cases the amounts included in the above totals represent the recommendations of the Commissioners in respect of the first year's work under schemes which will involve much larger expenditure as they are gradually brought into full operation. More detailed information will be given in the Annual Report of the Development Commissioners, which will be laid before Parliament in due course.