§ Mr. JAMES O'KELLYasked the Chief Secretary if the Palace, Elphin, and the adjoining lands of Shankill and Kilvoy, containing 1,100 acres, are yet offered to the Congested Districts Board, or if all necessary maps, etc., are being lodged; and whether he is aware that Mr. Arthur O'Connor, of London, owner, and Mr. James Fagan, auctioneer, Elphin, have stated that the lands have been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board in order to have the land stocked with grazing cattle?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Congested Districts Board have ascertained that Mr. Arthur O'Connor is not the owner but only a tenant of the lands referred to. They are now in communication with the owner of the lands regarding a sale, but are not yet in a position to make any statement on the subject.
§ Mr. DUFFYasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that a memorial signed by a numerous body of small tenants in the neighbourhood of the 1401W following farms: Colmanstown, landlord, H. V. Smyth, Cavan; Cors Keagh Daly, landlord, representatives of William Daly; Glover, landlord, representatives of Michael Monahan; Boy Hill, landlord, Mr. Barton Persse; Castle Lambert, Mr. F. S. Taylor; Craigh Abbey, Mrs. Clarke; Kilcornan, landlord, Mr. O'Malley; Killskeagh, landlord, Mr. Browne; Glones, landlord, Mr. Browne; Glones, landlord, Mr. Murphy; and Barrett's Hill, landlords, Messrs. Farrington and Kydd, was received by the Congested Districts Board, so long as last November, requesting them to open negotiations for purchase with the owners; and will he explain what progress, if any, has been made in that direction since?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Congested Districts Board have received numerous memorials regarding the properties mentioned. The Board communicated with the owners of the H. V. Smyth, Colmanstown, and the Misses Monaghan (Gloves), and Messrs. Farrington and Kydd (Barrett's Hill) estates, but no replies have been received up to the present. The B. W. Persse estate (Boy Hill) has not been offered for sale to the Board, and they have not so far approached the owner with a view to purchase; he will now foe communicated with. The Board have decided to take no steps to acquire the estate of the representatives of W. D. Daly, including the lands of Corskeagh. The Board communicated with Mr. F. Shaw Taylor regarding Castle Lambert, and he replied that the property was all demesne land, and that he was not willing to sell. Mr. O'Malley's tenancy interest in Miss Clark's estate (Craig Abbey) was purchased by the Galway United Estates Committee, and the Board have declined to take over the interest so acquired. The estate of T. O'Malley (Kilcornan) has been offered for sale to the Board, and a decision will be arrived at regarding purchase as soon as practicable. The Board have purchased the lands of Kilskeagh and Gloves West, and the estates of Miss Edith Browne, and of M. G. Browne. The farm of Gloves containing twenty-six acres was sold by the Board to Mr. Michael Murphy, who holds it as a tenant purchaser. The Board have not communicated with the owner.
§ Mr. GUINEYasked what steps, if any, have the Congested Districts Board taken with regard to the application forwarded to them on behalf of the tenants of the Aldworth property, situate at Rock Hill, Rockchapel, county Cork?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe application referred to by the hon. Member was forwarded to the Estates Commissioners by the Congested county of Cork. The Commis-referred to is not situate in the congested county of Cork. The Commissioners have directed inquiries to be made into the matter.
§ Mr. LUNDONasked if the Estates Commissioners are in communication with Lord Clarina, of Limerick, with a view to the purchase of the untenanted lands in his hands for distribution among the small holders and labourers; and, if not, will they communicate with him on the subject?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe reply is in the negative. The demesne lands have been repurchased by the vendor under Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and have been vested in him.
§ Mr. O'SULLIVANasked what is the reason that a number of the sub-tenants on the estate of Matthew H. Franks have been denied the benefits of the Land Purchase Act, whereas others in the property have purchased their holdings; whether the Estates Commissioners propose to let the remaining tenants purchase; and, if so, when?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Estates Commissioners inquired into and considered the case of the sub-tenants on this estate, and, in the exercise of the discretion vested in them, they did not see fit to declare parcels of land in the occupation of certain subtenants fit to be deemed separate holdings for the purposes of sale under the Land Purchase Acts.